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Report Generated On 28-Sep-2024 21:46:24
Displaying Epi Week 2024-39
Current Epi Week (Bulletin Production Cycle) 2024-39
Data Loaded From PHE Sheet Online


Week 39: 23 - 29 September 2024

Data as reported by: 17:00; 29 September 2024

Outbreak Status

New 1
Ongoing 148

Event Categories

Humanitarian 42
Outbreak 107

Graded Events

Total 149    
G1 0 Protracted 1 0
G2 16 Protracted 2 11
G3 49 Protracted 3 1
Ungraded 72    


Country Event Grade Date notified to WCO Start of reporting period End of reporting period Total cases Cases Confirmed Deaths CFR
New Events
Rwanda Confirmed cases of Marburg viral disease Ungraded 2024-09-27 2024-09-27
On 27 September 2024, the Rwandan Ministry of Health announced the confirmation of Marburg virus disease (MVD) in a few patients in health facilities in the country. However, the exact number of cases, along with the epidemiological profiles (age, sex), and the specific areas affected, remain unavailable. Following a meeting with the WHO Country Office (WCO) today, the team highlighted that laboratory confirmation of MVD through a WHO reference lab is still pending, and advocacy efforts are underway to expedite this process. Information regarding the number of cases, deaths, and contacts is not yet clear, though the first death reportedly occurred on 24 September, with two UN staff among the fatalities. The WHO AFRO team informally received initial information earlier today as rumors of viral hemorrhagic fever (VHF) cases. The Ministry of Health’s declaration was later shared by the WCO as part of the verification process. Current efforts are focused on collecting additional epidemiological data to better understand the outbreak and guide public health interventions.
Ongoing Events
Angola Food Poisoning Ungraded 2024-09-11 2024-09-12 2024-09-12 111 48 0.0%
The incident occurred earlier this week, when dozens of residents of the village of Camena sought care at Doctor Walter Strang Hospital. The suspicion is that the contamination occurred through the consumption of corn (protected with pesticide) used in the preparation of food for the funeral event. A total of 111 people, aged between 2 and 80 years, sought medical attention. Of these, 48 were discharged, 36 were transferred to other health units and the others are still under observation. There were no fatalities.
Angola Poliomyelitis (cVDPV2) Grade 2 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 2024-09-04 13 13 0.0%
On 3 May, 2024, Angolan health authorities announced the detection of polio in Chitato Municipality, Lunda Norte province, which borders the Democratic Republic of Congo. Currently a total of 10 laboratory confirmed poliovirus were notified in the provinces of Luanda, Huambo, Lunda Norte and Moxico. Of these, four were detected in children under five and six in the environment..
Benin Measles Ungraded 2024-07-03 2024-01-01 2024-06-23 728 321 0.0%
A measles outbreak has been ongoing in Benin, from week 1 through week 25, 2024 (ending 23 June), with a total of 728 suspected cases of measles, including 288 confirmed IgM+ cases, 33 clinically compatible cases are reported with the incidence rate of 24.9 per 1 million population
Burkina Faso Humanitarian crisis (Sahel Region) Protracted 2 2019-01-01 2019-01-01 2024-04-18 5,500,000 5,500,000 - -
Since 2015, the security situation in the Sahel and Eastern Burkina Faso has gradually deteriorated due to attacks by armed groups. Access to healthcare services remains a major challenge for the affected population. As of February 2024, 5.5 million people needed humanitarian assistance, 3.2 million of which are children and over 2.1 million IDPs registered, and 5 478 schools closed.
Burkina Faso Hepatitis E Ungraded 2024-06-06 2024-01-04 2024-06-01 93 8 3 3.2%
From 4 January to 1 June 2024, a total of 93 suspected cases of hepatitis E were reported from Kaya health district of the North central region. Eight out of 63 samples tested positive for hepatitis E by PCR. The median age of the cases is 22 and women represent 47.4% of the cases. Fourty-six (48.5%) of the 93 suspected cases are internally displaced persons.
Burkina Faso Measles Ungraded 2024-02-06 2024-01-14 2024-05-28 9,904 484 46 0.5%
Burkina Faso is experiencing a decrease in measles cases. Between week 1 and week 21 of 2024, a total of 9 904 suspected measles cases, resulting in 46 deaths, were recorded. This downward trend is observed in all nine health districts that conducted the anticipated reactive campaign. Currently only four health districts have active outbreaks of measles.
Burundi Floods Grade 2 2024-01-01 2023-09-01 2024-06-03 - - -
Since the beginning of the rainy season in September 2023, Burundi has been affected by heavy rains, floods and landslides, exacerbated by the El niño phenomenon. The most affected health districts are located in the western part of the country, including Cibitoke, Bubanza, Rumonge, Makamba and Bujumbura.
Burundi Cholera Grade 3 2023-01-01 2022-12-14 2024-06-01 1,890 11 0.6%
Burundi faces cholera outbreaks almost every year in some areas. The ongoing cholera outbreak was officially declared on 1 January 2023. As of 1 June 2024, a total of 1 890 cases, 11 deaths (CFR 0.6%), have been reported since the start of the outbreak.
Burundi Measles Ungraded 2024-02-15 2023-01-01 2024-02-12 1,670 1,670 22 1.3%
On 14 February 2024, Burundi's Ministry of Health reported a measles outbreak, with 20 of the country's 49 health districts experiencing active outbreaks. These districts were identified as having unvaccinated children in the 2022 National Vaccination Coverage Survey. In 2023, there were 1 670 confirmed cases resulting in 22 deaths, representing a case fatality rate of 1.3%. Among the confirmed cases, 55% were aged 6-59 months, and 82% were under 15 years old. From 1 January to 12 February 2024, 34 deaths were reported in five health districts.
Burundi Mpox Grade 3 2024-07-25 2024-07-25 2024-07-25 3 3 0.0%
On 25 July 2024, the Ministry of Health of Burundi declared an outbreak of Mpox following confirmation of three cases by the National Reference Laboratory. These cases were identified on 22 July at Kamenge University Hospital, Kamenge Military Hospital, and Isare Health District. They presented with symptoms including fever, joint pain, and a widespread rash. Samples collected during a multidisciplinary investigation tested positive for mpox on 25 July.
Cameroon Humanitarian crisis (Noth-West & South-West ) Protracted 2 2016-10-01 2018-06-27 2024-05-07 3,400,000 - -
In the North-West and South-West regions, the unstable security situation and persistent violence are exacerbating humanitarian needs. Affected people continue to flee their homes to neighbouring villages and communities. By May 2024, the following observations were made: 3.4M people in need, 2.3M people targeted, 1M IDPs, 658k Returnees and 489K Refugees and Asylum Seekers.
Cameroon Humanitarian crisis (Sahel Region) Protracted 2 2013-12-31 2017-06-27 2024-02-13 - - - -
The Far North region of Cameroon is still facing humanitarian crisis. The region bordering Nigeria and Chad and Lake Chad remains the most affected. Between August and September 2023, nearly 6 000 newly displaced people were registered in Mokolo district following repeated attacks by non-state armed groups. More than 2 200 new asylum seekers/refugees were registered for the same period at Gourenguel transit site, in Mokolo district of Mayo-Tsanaga department.
Cameroon Measles Ungraded 2019-04-02 2024-01-01 2024-08-05 1,359 232 49 3.6%
From Week 1 to Week 13 (ending 31 March 2024), 645 suspected measles cases, including 104 deaths (CFR 16%), were reported in Cameroon. A cumulative total of 232 cases were confirmed, including 129 IgM positive, 88 epidemiologically linked, and 15 clinically compatible. In 2023, 6 088 confirmed measles cases and at least 75 related deaths were reported in Cameroon.
Cameroon Mpox Grade 3 2022-02-24 2024-01-01 2024-04-04 15 2 1 6.7%
From 1 January to 4 April 2024, 15 suspected cases of Mpox including 2 laboratory-confirmed and 1 death have been reported. From 1 January to 28 December 2023, 113 suspected cases of Mpox, including 27 laboratory-confirmed and no death were reported. In 2022, 18 confirmed cases and three deaths were reported in the country.
Cameroon Yellow Fever Ungraded 2023-11-20 2023-01-23 2024-07-14 11 5 0.0%
From week 1 to week 28 of 2024, Cameroon reported 11 plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT) positive yellow fever cases across seven regions. Among these PRNT positive cases, five have been classified as confirmed cases in four regions: Adamawa, Centre, Littoral, and Nord Regions. Additionally, 11 cases are currently awaiting PRNT results.
Cape Verde Dengue Grade 3 2023-11-06 2023-11-06 2024-03-24 992 543 0.0%
On 6 November 2023, the Ministry of Health Surveillance Service reported two confirmed cases of Dengue through Polymerase Chain Reaction testing and one borderline case in Praia City, Santiago Island, Cabo Verde. The same day three more suspected cases were reported from the Central Hospital. As of 11 March 2024, a total of 992 suspected cases, including 543 confirmed cases and no deaths, were reported.
Central African Republic Humanitarian crisis Protracted 2 2013-12-11 2013-12-11 2024-06-05 6,100,000 - -
The Central African Republic has been facing a humanitarian crisis for more than a decade following military-political conflicts. Of the country's 6.1 million inhabitants, 2.8 million will need humanitarian assistance in 2024. More than 522 000 people are currently internally displaced, 2.5 million suffer from food insecurity, and 756 000 are CAR refugees.
Central African Republic Impact of Sudan crisis in CAR Grade 3 2023-05-01 2023-05-01 2024-07-31 - - -
CAR is the least affected among the four AFRO countries regarding the ongoing Sudan conflict As of 06 May 2024, there were 71, 000 forcibly displaced people from Sudan who arrived in CAR since 15 April 2023. Out of this number, 6 158 are returnees and 23 286 Sudanese refugees\asylum seekers.
Central African Republic Dengue Grade 3 2024-09-10 2024-07-13 2024-09-07 16 16 0.0%
On 10 September 2024, WHO was informed of a confirmed dengue outbreak in Central African Republic. The first case was confirmed on 13 July 2024 in a 29-year-old woman from SICA I commune of Bangui. From 13 July to 7 September 2024, a total of 13 cases (7 females and 6 males) were laboratory-confirmed for dengue serotype 2 (DEN 2) at Institut Pasteur of Bangui. The 13 confirmed cases belong to the health districts of Bangui 1, Bangui 2 and Bimbo and are aged between 11 and 61 years with a median age of 42 years. Three cases were evacuated and diagnosed out of the country.The First two dengue cases confirmed in country were recorded in 2012 and 2023 in Lobaye and Ouaka prefectures respectively. Investigations are ongoing.
Central African Republic Hepatitis E Ungraded 2024-06-13 2024-04-14 2024-07-06 49 6 3 12.2%
As of July 6, 2024, 49 suspected cases were recorded including six confirmed cases and three deaths (CFR 6.0%). Of nine samples analyzed at the viral hepatitis laboratory of the Pasteur Institute in Bangui, six were positive for acute hepatitis E virus infection. Seven (7) new samples are being analyzed at the Pasteur Institute in Bangui.
Central African Republic Measles Ungraded 2022-03-13 2023-01-01 2024-08-26 802 1 0.1%
At the end of epi-week 24, 2024, the country recorded 802 suspected cases and one death. Since the start of 2024 in January to June 23, CAR has been responding to measles outbreak.
Central African Republic Mpox Grade 3 2022-03-03 2022-03-04 2024-08-26 66 66 1 1.5%
In the Central African Republic (CAR), there were 19 reported laboratory-confirmed cases of mpox from January to April 2024. However, no deaths were recorded. Since 2022, CAR has reported 66 laboratory-confirmed cases and 1 death (CFR = 1.5%).
Central African Republic Poliomyelitis (cVDPV2) Grade 2 2019-05-24 2019-05-24 2024-09-01 45 45 0.0%
A total of 14 AFP cases were reported in the country in 2023. Six AFP cases were reported in 2022. There were no new case reported in the country as of week 35 of 2024. last date of detection is 07 October 2023.
Central African Republic Yellow Fever Ungraded 2023-06-12 2023-01-01 2024-04-21 11 5 0.0%
Chad has recorded one new probable yellow fever case, which tested positive using the plaque reduction neutralization test (PRNT) in week 15, in the Vakaga health district, bringing the total number of probable cases in 2024 to six. Other probable cases for the year have been reported in the Mbaïki and Kémo health districts. In 2023, five confirmed cases of yellow fever were recorded for the following districts: Sangha-Mbaéré (1), Berbérati (1), Bambari (2), and Bossembélé (1). The number of confirmed cases this year has been reviewed.
Chad Floods Ungraded 2024-08-26 2024-07-15 2024-09-01
Since late July, floods have impacted all 23 provinces of Chad, affecting 964 068 people, causing 145 deaths, and destroying 70 000 homes, with 58 804 people affected in N'Djaména alone. Over 5 000 displaced people are sheltering in schools, and 749 households still need relocation. The Government, with support from humanitarian agencies, launched a USD 64 million response plan, but only USD 7 million has been secured, leaving a USD 57 million funding gap. The risk of a cholera outbreak remains high due to limited access to water, sanitation, and hygiene services.
Chad Humanitarian crisis (Sahel region) Protracted 2 2022-02-11 2016-03-01 2024-06-28 2,065,739 - - -
Since the beginning of the conflict in Sudan on 15 April 2023 and as of 28 June 2024, Chad have registered 617,013 Sudanese refugees and 128,726 Chadian returnees from Sudan. 63 per cent of the refugees and 66 per cent of the returnees are children under 18. The refugees are arriving in the provinces of Ouaddaï, Sila, Wadi Fira, and Ennedi Est. According to the Chadian Government, 910,000 refugees and returnees could arrive in Chad by the end of 2024. Chad is already hosting approximately 410,000 Sudanese refugees from the previous Darfur crisis in the same provinces
Chad Impact of Sudan crisis in Chad Grade 3 2023-04-15 2023-04-15 2024-05-10 - - - -
Chad is the AFRO country most affected by the armed conflict in Sudan, hosting about 1 million refugees. These Sudanese refugees are mainly hosted in the refugee’s camps across Ennedi Est, Wadi Fira, Ouaddai and Sila provinces. From 15 April 2023 to 3 May 2024, about 588 825 Sudanese refugees have been listed including 96 181 that have crossed the border since January 2024. Most new arrivals are women and children (88%), and 14% are persons with special needs,
Chad Hepatitis E Ungraded 2024-02-17 2024-01-02 2024-08-25 3,446 177 11 0.4%
As of 25 August 2024, a total of 3 446 suspected cases including 11 deaths (CFR 0.4%) were reported from 11 refugee camps and sites in eight health districts of four provinces (Ouaddaï, Sila, Wadi-fira and Ennedi-Est provinces). A total of 177 cases were laboratory-confirmed by RT-PCR. Fifty-eight cases were recorded among pregnant women including 5 deaths (CFR 8.6%).
Chad Measles Ungraded 2018-05-24 2024-01-01 2024-05-05 5,631 20 0.4%
From 1 January to 5 May 2024, 5 631 suspected measles cases, including 20 deaths, were recorded in the health districts of Moissala, Guelo, Dono Manga, Kouloudia, Arada, N'Djamena Centre, N'Djamena East, Gagal, Gore, N'Djamena North, Amtiman, Pala, Kouno, Massakory, and Koukou Angarana. Between Week 1 and Week 18 of 2024, 182 suspected cases were recorded in the crisis-affected provinces of the East, with no deaths reported.
Chad Poliomyelitis (cVDPV2) Grade 2 2019-10-18 2019-09-09 2024-08-28 222 222 0.0%
Eight cases were reported in 2024. In 2023, a total of 55 cVDPV2 cases were reported. In 2022, 44 cVDPV2 cases were reported. In 2020, 106 cVDPV2 cases were reported from three different outbreaks. Nine cases were reported in 2019. The last date of detection was 13 July 2024.
Comoros Cholera Grade 3 2024-02-02 2024-02-02 2024-06-25 10,142 147 1.4%
The cholera outbreak has been ongoing in Comoros since the first case was reported on 2 February 2024. As of 30 June 2024, a cumulative total of 10 142 cases had been reported, with the majority of cases reported from Ndzuwani (8 942 cases), followed by Ngazidja (625 cases) and Mwali (575 cases); 147 deaths (CFR 1.4%) were also reported.
Congo Food Poisoning Ungraded 2024-09-17 2024-09-17 2024-09-24 26 26 6 23.1%
On September 7, 2024, a case of suspected food poisoning was reported in the Nsah area of the Plateaux Department, Congo. After consuming yams gathered from the forest, 26 individuals from 14 households developed symptoms of vomiting and abdominal pain. Six people, including two women and four male children, have died. The presence of dead chickens that consumed leftover yams suggests the food was toxic. Authorities, alongside WHO consultants, are continuing the investigation.
Congo Measles Ungraded 2024-05-15 2024-01-01 2024-08-18 372 84 4 1.1%
From week 1 to week 33 (ending 18 August 2024), 372 suspected cases were reported including 4 deaths (CFR 1.1%). A total of 272 samples were tested at the National Public Health Laboratory of which 84 returned positive for measles.
Congo Mpox Grade 3 2022-05-23 2024-01-01 2024-09-10 166 21 0.0%
For the week ending 11 August 2024, the country reported six suspected cases, including two new confirmed cases. During the period from 26 August to 1 September 2024, 10 additional suspected cases were reported across several districts: Bacongo (1), Abala (1), Lumumba (3), Mvou-Mvou (1), Itoumbi (2), and Talangai (2). This brings the total number of suspected cases to 166, along with 13 probable cases. Out of 114 samples collected, 91 have been tested, with 21 cases confirmed between epidemiological weeks 2 and 35.
Congo Poliomyelitis (cVDPV1) Grade 2 2023-03-21 2023-03-01 2024-08-28 1 1 - 0.0%
The last circulating vaccine-derived poliovirus type 1 (cVDPV1) case was detected on 15 October 2022. As of 28 August 2024, only one case was reported.
Côte d'Ivoire Dengue Grade 3 2023-07-10 2023-06-19 2024-05-11 4,050 332 2 0.0%
An outbreak of Dengue fever is ongoing in Ivory Coast. A total of 4 050 cases have been reported from 1 January 2023 to 11 May 2024, with 325 confirmed cases and 2 deaths (CFR 0.0%).
Côte d'Ivoire Measles Ungraded 2024-07-03 2024-01-01 2024-06-23 5,617 4,758 0.0%
The measles outbreak has been ongoing in Cote d’Ivoire; from week 1 through week 25, 2024 (ending 23 June), a total of 5 617 suspected cases of measles were reported, including 678 confirmed IgM+ cases and 4 080 clinically compatible cases. The incidence rate is 146 per 1 million population.
Côte d'Ivoire Mpox Grade 3 2024-07-05 2024-07-05 2024-07-05 36 28 1 4.0%
A case of Mpox was confirmed on 4 July 2024 in Côte d'Ivoire, in the San Pedro region (Tabou). The patient is a male in his 40s. As of 18 August, Cote d'Ivoire has reported a total of 24 confirmed cases, including one death (CFR: 4%)
Democratic Republic of the Congo Floods Ungraded 2024-01-09 2024-01-09 2024-06-03 471 000 300
Heavy rainfall between January and April triggered significant flooding in South Kivu and Tanganyika provinces, placing approximately 471 000 people at risk of increased humanitarian needs. The floods inundated around 1.1 million acres of land, including nearly 52,000 acres of cropland, in areas surrounding Lake Tanganyika and upstream from the Congo River basin. The ongoing El Niño season is expected to bring heavy rainfall, particularly to the central and northern regions, with forecasts indicating that the water level in Lake Tanganyika will continue to rise, peaking in late June.
Democratic Republic of the Congo Humanitarian crisis Grade 3 2016-12-20 2017-04-17 2024-05-11 7,100,000 - - -
The humanitarian crisis in the Democratic Republic of Congo has affected about six provinces, namely, North Kivu, South Kivu, Ituri, Tshopo and Tanganyika provinces. Currently, 7 100 000 people have been displaced since its onset. There are currently 522 410 new refugees. There have been various levels of security threats, widespread instability, and gang violence. At present, there are multiple outbreaks like, cholera, measles and Mpox.
Democratic Republic of the Congo Cholera Grade 3 2015-01-16 2024-01-01 2024-09-01 23,887 2,754 316 1.3%
From week 1 to week 35, 2024 (ending 1 September 2024), 23 887 suspected cholera cases, including 316 deaths (CFR 1.3%), were reported from 109 health zones in 16/26 affected provinces compared to 35 935 cases and 303 deaths (CFR 0.7%) reported during the same period in 2023. North Kivu, Haut Katanga, South Kivu, and Haut Lomami are the most affected provinces, accounting for more than 80% of the cases. The majority of deaths (n=152, 48%) have been reported from the Haut Katanga province. In 2023, more than 62 000 cases and more than 700 deaths were reported.
Democratic Republic of the Congo Measles Ungraded 2021-10-12 2024-01-01 2024-08-11 72,274 1,178 1,786 2.5%
In 2023, over 311 000 suspected measles cases and over 5 700 deaths were reported. In 2024, from week 1 through week 32 (ending 11 August 2024), a total of 72 274 cases and 1 786 deaths were reported from 470 of the 519 health zones across the country.
Democratic Republic of the Congo Mpox Grade 3 2019-03-30 2024-01-01 2024-08-18 3,244 3,244 25 0.8%
From 1 January 2022 to 18 August 2024, a total of 4 489 cases and 27 deaths (CFR 0.6%) were reported. From 1 January to 18 August 2024, a total of 3 244 confirmed cases and 25 deaths ( CFR 0.8%) were reported. Clades Ia and Ib have been detected in country.
Democratic Republic of the Congo Poliomyelitis (cVDPV1) Grade 2 2022-08-27 2023-01-01 2024-05-15 107 107 0.0%
As per the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), no cVDPV1 case was reported this week. There is one case reported this year and 106 cases in 2023.
Democratic Republic of the Congo Poliomyelitis (cVDPV2) Grade 2 2021-02-26 2023-01-01 2024-05-15 118 118 0.0%
As per the Global Polio Eradication Initiative (GPEI), no cVDPV2 cases were reported this week. The number of 2023 cases remains 118.
Ethiopia Floods Grade 2 2024-05-15 2024-05-01 2024-09-22 - - -
Many parts of the country are affected by flooding as a result of heavy rains. In Gambella, the Baro and Gilo rivers overflowed, displacing over 21 000 people in Anywaa and Nuer zones, and damaging two health centres, 10 health posts and two water schemes. Health partners are continuing to deliver life-saving health services to flood- and landslide- affected populations throughout the country
Ethiopia Food insecurity (Horn of Africa crisis) Grade 3 2022-02-17 2022-01-01 2024-07-10 - - - -
According to the Famine Early Warning Network (FEWNET), Crisis (IPC Phase 3) and Stressed (IPC Phase 2) outcomes are ongoing and expected to persist through September in many areas of northern Ethiopia and parts of the pastoral south and southeast, where humanitarian food assistance is significant and likely preventing worse outcomes. The food security situation is expected to deteriorate further, with more than 10 million people anticipated to be critically food insecure during the main lean season (July-September)
Ethiopia Humanitarian crisis (Northern Ethiopia) Grade 3 2020-11-04 2020-11-04 2024-09-16 - - - -
The country continues to face a major humanitarian crisis caused by climate shocks, disease outbreaks and insecurity aggravated by economic and financial challenges. Deteriorating insecurity in West Shewa and East Wollega, Oromia caused new displacement of around 1 500 people in Debre Birhan, Amhara. In addition, almost 31,000 people were displaced from 6 kebeles in Segen Zuria woreda of Konso Zone, South Ethiopia due to conflict.Recent assessments conducted into the needs of over 40 000 people displaced as a result of the protracted Afar and Somali-Issa conflict in Mahi Rasu and Gabbi Rasu zones in Afar shows absence of health care services in most woredas where displaced people are residing.
Ethiopia Impact of Sudan crisis in Ethiopia Grade 3 2023-05-01 2023-05-01 2024-07-10 - - -
Following the outbreak of armed conflict in Sudan on 15 April 2023, Ethiopia is receiving thousands of forcibly displaced people at two main points of entry (Metema and Kurmuk) along the land border between Sudan and Ethiopia. As of 30 June 2024, a total of 56 486 individuals in need of international protection crossed the border from Sudan to Ethiopia including 46 427 Sudanese and Non-Sudanese refugees/asylum seekers and 10 059 Ethiopian refugee returnees.
Ethiopia Landslides Ungraded 2024-07-23 2024-07-23 2024-08-08 15,515 249
The latest figures as of 8 August 2024 show that 249 dead bodies have been identified, and about 15 515 have been affected by a landslide incident on 21 and 22 July 2024, following heavy rains in a mountainous area in two kebeles of Geza Gofa Woreda in Gofa Zone, South Ethiopia Region. A total of 6 600 peoples have been relocated and 51 people are injured.
Ethiopia Cholera Grade 3 2022-09-17 2022-08-01 2024-09-08 55,036 687 1.2%
The ongoing cholera outbreak in Ethiopia started on 27 August 2022. As of 8 September 2024, a total of 55 036 cases, 687 deaths (CFR 1.2%) are reported. In 2024, from January a total of 23 954 cases and 218 deaths are reported
Ethiopia Dengue Grade 3 2023-05-16 2023-05-10 2024-07-31 28,101 28,101 21 0.0%
The dengue outbreak that started in April 2023 in two districts (Logia and Mille) is still ongoing. As of 31 July 2024, a total of 28 101 cases with 21 deaths are reported. In 2024, 2 443 cases and zero death are reported. The number of cases reported this year has been revised.
Ethiopia Malaria Ungraded 2024-06-20 2024-01-01 2024-08-18 4,773,900 918 0.0%
Malaria outbreak is still active in Ethiopia. Between 1 January and 18 August 2024, over 4 773 900 new malaria cases including 918 deaths were reported, the majority from Oromia (53%), Amhara (15%), Southwest (11%), South Ethiopia (5%), and Benishangul Gumuz (5%).
Ethiopia Measles Ungraded 2017-04-13 2024-01-01 2024-09-16 28,519 26,636 201 0.7%
Measles outbreak is still ongoing in Ethiopia. In 2024, from 1 January through 15 September, a total of 28 519 cases confirmed cases with 201 deaths were reported. The number of deaths has been revised.
Gabon Diphtheria Ungraded 2024-01-23 2023-12-01 2024-03-19 28 2 3 10.7%
On 23 January 2024, Cameroon reported a confirmed case of Diphtheria. The affected individual is a 9-year-old male from Bitam Health District in Gabon. The onset of symptoms occurred on 1 December 2023, and he sought medical consultation on 3 December 2023 in the Enongal health area, Ebolowa health district in Cameroon. The person died on 7 December 2023. The sample tested positive for Diphtheria on 23 January 2024. As of 19 March 2024, a total of 28 suspected cases, including 2 laboratory confirmed cases, 8 clinically compatible cases and three deaths (CFR: 10%) were notified.
Gabon Mpox Grade 3 2024-08-23 2024-08-22 2024-09-23 2 2 0.0%
On 22 August 2024, the Government of Gabon reported its first confirmed Mpox case. As of 1 September 2024, 15 suspected cases have been recorded, including two confirmed cases in the Libreville-Owendo health district — one male and one female.
Ghana Drought Ungraded 2024-08-27 2024-08-27 2024-09-01 435,872 435,872 0.0%
Severe drought has significantly impacted eight regions in Ghana, particularly in the northern and transitional areas, affecting key crops like maize, rice, groundnut, soybean, sorghum, millet, and yam. This situation threatens 928 523 farmers and could result in losses of GHS 22.2 billion, equivalent to 10% of the agriculture GDP. To prevent a food security crisis and potential socio-economic instability, the Ghanaian agricultural authorities recommend urgent interventions, including a grain export ban, increased imports, cash transfers, and input support.
Ghana Cholera Grade 3 2024-08-31 2024-08-31 2024-08-31 24 2 0.0%
On 21 August 2024, an epidemiological alert was issued in Ada District, Greater Accra region, after 24 suspected cholera cases were reported. As of 23 August, two cases were confirmed by the National Public Health and Reference Laboratory, with no deaths. The District Health Directorate has activated emergency management structures to investigate and control the outbreak.
Ghana Dengue Grade 3 2024-07-16 2024-07-14 2024-07-20 70 70 0%
On 14 July, the Ministry of Health of Ghana notified WHO of the confirmation of nine cases of Dengue in three districts of the Eastern Region. As of 20 July, 574 suspected cases including 70 confirmed cases of Dengue have been reported from seven districts.
Ghana Measles Ungraded 2024-04-01 2024-01-01 2024-04-19 1,830 350 0.0%
From January 2024 to April 2024, Ghana reported 350 confirmed measles cases across 14 of its 16 regions, with the highest number in the Northeast Region (61 cases). The majority of cases (61.4%) were in children aged 5 years or younger. Laboratory testing revealed various IgM positive cases, including 40 in Ashanti and 20 in Greater Accra. Males constituted 54% of the cases. Despite the widespread distribution, no measles-related deaths occurred.
Guinea Floods Ungraded 2024-08-28 2024-08-27 2024-09-01 17,249 17,249 2 0.0%
On 24 August, heavy rainfall severely impacted Conakry city in the Conakry Region of western Guinea, resulting in significant casualties and damage. As of 27 August, reports indicate two fatalities, one missing person, and 17 249 people affected across the localities of Sangoyah, Kissosso, Lambanyi, Tannerie, Matoto, and Kobayah. Additionally, at least seven houses were destroyed. Further heavy rainfall is forecast for 28-29 August across most of Guinea. In response to the devastating floods in the Seguiri area in July, DG ECHO allocated EUR 150 000 in humanitarian aid to support 1900 of the most affected families, totalling 13 300 people.
Guinea Dengue Grade 3 2024-07-15 2024-07-08 2024-07-20 12 3 1 0.9%
There was one new confirmed case reported on 11 July 2024 giving a cumulative of 12 dengue cases (three confirmed) and one death reported in 2014.
Guinea Diphtheria Grade 2 2023-08-21 2023-07-04 2024-04-09 4,517 4,307 105 2.3%
An outbreak of diphtheria has been reported in the Kankan region of Guinea since 4 July 2023. As of 9 April 2024, 4 517 suspected cases were reported from the Kankan, Faranah, Labé, Mamou, Conakry and N'Nzérékoré regions, including 4 307 confirmed cases and 105 deaths. Of the confirmed cases, 29 were laboratory-confirmed, 4 173 were clinically compatible and 105 were epidemiologically linked. The Siguiri health district in the Kankan region is the epicenter of the outbreak, with 98.4% of suspected cases reported.
Guinea Measles Ungraded 2024-07-03 2024-01-01 2024-08-28 769 306 7 0.9%
From W1 to W32, 2024 the country reported 769 suspected cases of measles including 306 confirmed IgM+ cases, no case by epidemiological link, 27 compatible cases, No case pending laboratory results . Rate of no-measles febrile rashes reached with 2.5. The incidence rate of measles is 19.33 per 1 million population.
Guinea Mpox Grade 3 2024-09-02 2024-09-02 2024-09-09 6 1
On 2 September 2024, WHO was informed of a mpox confirmed case in a 7-year-old schoolgirl of Koyamah locality in the southern Macenta health district of Guinea. From 2 to 9 September 2024, a total of 6 suspected cases with no death were reported of which one was confirmed for Mpox virus Clade IIB. Seventy-three contacts are under follow-up.
Kenya Food insecurity (Horn of Africa crisis) Grade 3 2022-02-17 2022-01-01 2024-05-10 - - - -
The key drivers of food insecurity in Kenya are high prices of staple foods, the impacts of El Niño and floods – resulting in the loss of livestock, damage to infrastructure, property, and farmland, - as well as localized resource-based and human-wildlife conflicts. During the projection period (April to June 2024), the forecasted MAM (March, April, and May) rains are expected to further improve the seasonal performance and thus improve the food security situation. Approximately, 1.2 million people (7 % of the population analyzed) are classified in IPC Phase 3 or above, including about 26 000 people classified in Phase 4 and 1.2 million in Phase 3.
Kenya Cholera Grade 3 2022-10-19 2022-10-05 2024-06-23 12,624 208 1.6%
This is the second wave since the beginning of 2024 - where there have been 392 cumulative cases and 3 deahs in 2024. Overall since the start of the outbreak, there have been 12,624 cases and 208 deaths with a CFR of 1.6%. The outbreak is affecting three counties: Tana River (60), Lamu (18) and Siaya (1). A total of 79 cases with one (1) death have been reported. Eight (8) cases have been confirmed by culture, and 76 RDT positive. Tana River County attack rate is 18.0 per 100,000, and the Garsen sub-county attack rate is 40.7 per 100,000.
Kenya Hepatitis A Ungraded 2024-07-23 2024-01-01 2024-07-23 19 19 3 15.8%
Since January 2024, confirmed cases of hepatitis A through PCR (polymerase chain reaction) are reported from Uasin Gishu county. As of 23 July 2024, a total of 19 cases with three deaths (CFR 15.8%) are reported. The cases were reported from five sub counties: Kapsaret, Kesses, Moiben, Soy and Turbo. Among the 19 total cases reported, 14 cases are students (74%).
Kenya Measles Ungraded 2022-06-29 2023-01-01 2024-06-13 1,543 199 11 0.7%
The measles outbreak has been continuous since January 2023. Nine counties are actively reporting measles cases; Garissa, Kilifi, Mombasa, Turkana, Samburu, Wajir, Meru, Kwale, and Mandera, since early 2024. A total of 1 543 cases with 11 deaths (CFR 0.8%) have been reported.
Kenya Mpox Grade 3 2024-08-03 2024-07-22 2024-08-03 1 1 0.0%
Kenya has confirmed one mpox case in a 42-year-old truck driver from Taita Taveta County, detected on 22 July 2024. The patient, showing symptoms since 9 July 2024, had traveled through Uganda and Kenya. Initially tested negative, mpox was later confirmed. The patient was treated and released, and on 3 August 2024, was en route to Rwanda via Tanzania. Contact tracing is ongoing. The Ministry of Health has issued advisories and is actively managing the situation.
Kenya Poliomyelitis (cVDPV2) Grade 2 2023-07-06 2023-05-26 2024-05-29 8 8 0.0%
According to Global Polio Eradication Initiative, no cVDPV2 cases were reported this week. There have been eight cases reported in 2023.
Kenya Visceral Leishmania Ungraded 2024-08-01 2024-01-01 2024-07-30 54 4 7.4%
Since January 2024, Visceral Leishmaniasis cases have been reported in Kitui and Mandera Counties. As of 30 July 2024, 54 cases with four deaths (CFR 7.4%) have been reported. The cases are reported from the following countries: Mandera 48 cases and Kitui six cases. Males account for 82% of all positive cases
Lesotho Drought/food insecurity Ungraded 2024-07-22 2024-07-12 2024-07-12 - - -
On 12 July 2024, following the extreme El Niño induced drought conditions, Health authorities declared a National Food Insecurity Disaster. The total food insecure population for the consumption year 2024/2025 is estimated at 699 049, compared to 581 730 in 2023/2024, reflecting a 20% increase and a further deterioration of food security. The entire country is projected to be at Crisis level (IPC Phase 3) for the period, necessitating urgent action to save lives and protect livelihoods.
Liberia Lassa Fever Ungraded 2022-03-03 2022-01-06 2024-06-05 479 151 45 9.4%
From 6 January 2022, to 30 May 2024, a cumulative total of 466 cases of Lassa Fever have been reported with 151 confirmed and 45 deaths (CFR 39%).
Liberia Measles Ungraded 2022-02-03 2021-12-13 2024-06-02 13,711 13,056 95 0.7%
Since the measles outbreak started on 13 December 2021, there have been 13 711 suspected cases, 13056 confirmed cases, and 95 deaths with CFR 0.7%, as of June 2, 2024. The highest affected is Montserrado with 5373 confirmed cases
Liberia Mpox Grade 3 2024-08-31 2024-08-31 2024-09-01 8 1 0.0%
A confirmed Mpox case was reported on 31 August 2024, from Doodwicken Clinic in Jedepo Health District, Sinoe County. This case, involving a 7-year-old girl, marks the beginning of the outbreak in the region. So far, eight suspected cases have been reported, with one confirmed case, and four negative, while two results are pending, and one case was discarded. Since the onset, 30 contacts have been identified and monitored daily. The district rapid response team has been activated. Investigations, along with active case searches, are ongoing.
Madagascar Cyclone Gamane\Flood Grade 2 2024-02-26 2024-02-05 2024-05-19 95,391 - 19 0.0%
Since weeks 6 and 7, 2024 heavy rainfall has triggered flooding in the central and northeastern parts of Madagascar. This has resulted in population displacements and the loss of homes and infrastructure, including roads, bridges, agriculture, health facilities, water, sanitation, and hygiene infrastructure. Seven regions have been affected.
Madagascar Malnutrition crisis Protracted 2 2021-07-01 2021-01-01 2024-04-17 - -
The humanitarian situation in the Grand Sud remained fragile and is expected to deteriorate further, thus reversing the marginal gains made in 2023. Malnutrition rates are expected to reach IPC Phase 4 (Emergency) in Ikongo and Varika during the lean season. Nearly 196 500 children under five may suffer from acute malnutrition from October 2023 to April 2024. Two districts will reach a critical phase, nine will be in a serious phase, and four will be on alert for acute malnutrition between February and April 2024.
Madagascar Malaria Ungraded 2024-02-28 2024-01-01 2024-05-12 1,531,902 212 0.0%
Madagascar has been experiencing a malaria outbreak since last year and the same trend continues in 2024. From week 1 to week 19, 2024, a total of 1 531 902 cases and 212 deaths are reported.
Malawi Drought Ungraded 2024-03-26 2024-03-28 2024-03-28 - - - -
Malawi formally declared a state of disaster on 23 March 2024 due to drought in 23 out of its 28 districts. Preliminary assessments conducted by the Malawian government suggest that approximately 44% of the country's corn crop has either failed or suffered significant damage, directly impacting 2 million households.
Malawi Cholera Grade 3 2024-09-12 2024-09-12 10 2 0.0%
The first cholera case in Malawi was reported on November 1, 2023, in Nsanje District, with 286 cases and 3 deaths (CFR 1.0%) across 15 districts. The last case occurred in Karonga District on June 5, 2024, and the outbreak was declared over on July 12, 2024. In Lilongwe, a single culture-confirmed case was reported on August 26, 2024, with no local transmission and no new cases for 15 days. On 10th September 2024, Chitipa has reported 10 suspected cases at Kapenda Health Centre, with 3 cRDT positive, 1 culture positive, and 1 sample pending. The cases are sporadic, initially coming from the Songwe River area, but current cases are from other regions. None had travel history prior to the onset of diarrhoea. All suspected cases are being followed by the District Rapid Response Team (DRRT), with control measures like water chlorination in place, and the situation is under close national monitoring.
Malawi Measles Ungraded 2024-09-12 2024-09-12 2024-09-12 3 3 0.0%
On 29thAugust 2024, Mangochi District Heath Office was alerted on a cluster of suspected measles cases in a village under Mkuchinga Jwambone Health Center. Six samples were collected for laboratory investigation at Kamuzu Central Hospital in Lilongwe. Three samples were confirmed positive for Measles on 9th September, 2024. The ages of the confirmed measles cases are seven months, five and seven years old.
Mali Floods Ungraded 2024-08-21 2024-08-23 2024-08-23 39,768 39,768 22 0.1%
Since the beginning of July 2024, Mali has faced severe flooding across several regions, causing significant human and material losses. By 18 August 2024, over 39 768 people were affected, including 16 639 children, 10 695 women, and 12 434 men. The floods resulted in 22 deaths and 104 injuries. Additionally, eight healthcare facilities were damaged. The crisis has exacerbated public health issues, particularly with contaminated water sources, increasing the risk of cholera and other waterborne diseases. Urgent needs include healthcare, shelter, and access to clean water.
Mali Humanitarian crisis (Sahel region) Protracted 2 2017-09-11 2017-09-11 2024-09-10 8,800,000 8,800,000 0.0%
Since 2011, Mali has been facing a security crisis and currently, six regions are affected particularly in Segou, Mopti, Timbuktu, Gao, Kidal and Menaka as of September 3 2024. Among them, As of August 25, the The main ones are particularly affected: Ségou, Mopti, Timbuktu, Gao, Kidal and Menaka. As of August 30, 2024, flooding has affected a total of 131,581 people, approximately 70% of whom are women and children. The most impacted regions include Segou, Gao, Mopti, Bamako, and Sikasso.
Mali Dengue Grade 3 2023-09-12 2024-01-01 2024-05-26 4,605 614 4 0.1%
From 1 January to 26 May 2024, Mali reported 4 605 suspected cases of dengue including 614 confirmed cases and four deaths.
Mali Measles Ungraded 2018-02-20 2024-01-01 2024-09-04 769 306 0.0%
From W1 to W32, 2024 the country reported 769 suspected cases of measles including 306 confirmed IgM+ cases, no case by epidemiological link, 27 compatible cases, No case pending laboratory results o Rate of no-measles febrile rashes reached with 2.5 o The incidence rate of measles is 19.33 per 1 million population.
Mauritania Influx of refugees from Mali (Sahel region) Protracted 2 2024-03-11 2024-03-14 2024-03-19 180,000 - - -%
The humanitarian situation in the Hodh Chargui region (HEC) of Mauritania is becoming critical with the massive arrival of thousands of Malian refugees fleeing insecurity and violence. It is estimated that over 180 000 refugees and returnees are registered or awaiting registration in the Bassiknou district. According to UNHCR data, over 40% are outside the formal camp system, many with livestock, putting pressure on natural resources (such as water and grazing land) and basic social services. Both displaced populations and host communities require protection, shelter, clean water, hygiene and sanitation facilities, as well as healthcare for their well-being.
Mauritania Measles Ungraded 2023-03-07 2024-01-01 2024-05-12 2,384 280 4 0.2%
Between 1 January and 12 May 2024, Mauritania reported 2 384 suspected measles cases across 49 districts, with 280 confirmed cases — 81 through epidemiological links and 199 via laboratory tests. In response, a vaccination campaign is scheduled from 28 May to 6 June 2024, targeting 1 943 636 children aged nine months to 14 years. This campaign will also incorporate the administration of vitamin A and mebendazole.
Mauritius Dengue Grade 3 2023-12-17 2023-12-17 2024-09-10 9,328 9,328 5 0.1%
The index case for the ongoing dengue outbreak in Mauritius was reported on 27 Augut 2024, as of 10 September 2024, a total of 9 328 cases have been reported.
Mozambique Drought/food insecurity Ungraded 2024-09-05 2024-08-20 2024-09-04 - - -
The Mozambique authorities have launched humanitarian appeal to combat drought and food insecurity in the country. El Niño induced rainfall shortage and above average temperatures have resulted in drought in central and southern provinces of Mozambique, impacting agricultural production for vulnerable communities. As a result, around 2.8 million people are facing food insecurity (IPC 3+), including 510 151 people in IPC4 (emergency level of food insecurity) between April and September 2024. During the lean season (Oct-24 / Mar-25), the situation will further deteriorate with around 3.3 million people projected to face food insecurity, of which 390 886 in IPC4 in the affected provinces.
Mozambique Humanitarian crisis in Cabo Delgado Protracted 2 2020-01-01 2023-10-12 2024-05-15 2,000,000 2,000,000 - -
From 22 December 2022, 112 894 people have been displaced in Cabo Delgado due to NSAGs' attacks, including 91 239 farmers who abandoned their lands during harvest season. Children, women, and men comprise 62%, 23%, and 15% of the displaced. Food aid reached over 64,000 individuals, and 24,000 received shelter. By 5 March 2024, 154 children were missing, and 182 were unaccompanied. As of 15 May 2024, eight out of eleven provinces and at least 22 districts have reported cholera cases, with a cumulative total of 15,386 cases. The highest number of cases were reported from the provinces of Nampula, Tete, Cabo Delgado, and Zambezia. Additionally, there was a conjunctivitis outbreak affecting 1,225 people, with schools disrupted.
Mozambique Cholera Grade 3 2024-04-18 2023-10-12 2024-06-23 48,181 48,181 174 0.0%
The current cholera outbreak in the country began in Niassa province on 14 September 2022. As of 23 June 2024, there have been 8,024 cumulative cases in 2024 alone, including 18 deaths (CFR 0.2%). Epi week 25 saw a 33% decrease in cases and 0 deaths, with 3 out of 11 provinces (Maputo, Nampula, Sofala) reporting active outbreaks in the past month. However, all 3 of these provinces are experiencing downward trends in recent weeks.
Mozambique Measles Ungraded 2024-08-20 2024-08-28 2024-09-01 283 283 18 6.4%
Between 9 July and 21 August 2024, there have been 283 measles cases reported, with 215 in Cabo Delgado (Chiure, Montepuez, and Namuno districts) and 68 in Niassa (Sanga and Cuamba districts). The outbreak led to 18 deaths, all occurring within the communities, with 17 in Cabo Delgado and 1 in Niassa. Most cases (90%) were among children under 15 years old, with 54 cases in infants under 1 year, 75 cases in children aged 1–4, 45 cases in those aged 5–9, and 24 cases in the 10–14 age group.
Namibia Drought Ungraded 2024-05-31 2024-05-22 2024-05-22 - - - -
On 22 May 224, the Government of Namibia declared a State of Emergency following the worst drought the country has experienced in 100 years. One in five Namibians is considered food insecure, with over 331 000 households already enrolled in the government-funded drought relief program to support affected communities. This situation, driven by the El Niño-induced drought and concurrent floods in Southern Africa, despite current efforts, necessitates more focused attention and proactive measures from governments and partners.
Namibia Measles Ungraded 2024-06-07 2024-01-01 2024-06-05 39 6 0.0%
The Ministry of Health and Social Services (MoHSS) has reported a confirmed outbreak of Measles in Omaruru health district of Erongo Region,. Between 1 January and 5 June 2024, 39 suspected cases, including six confirmed cases, have been reported from the same health facility. All six confirmed cases have been reported among learners attending the same primary school
Niger Floods Ungraded 2024-06-12 2024-06-10 2024-06-13 353,000 - 217 0.1%
As of 30 August, the heavy rains that have hit Niger since the beginning of the season (in May) across the entire national territory have resulted in the following: Four out of the eight regions in the country are affected, encompassing 18 departments, with the Maradi region being the most affected. A total of over 353 000 people have been displaced . There have been 217 deaths, including 11 due to house collapses (a total of 329 households have collapsed). and 200 injuries have been recorded.
Niger Humanitarian crisis (Sahel region) Protracted 2 2015-02-01 2015-02-01 2024-04-18 4,300,000 4,300,000 0.0%
Niger is contending with a severe humanitarian crisis due to regional instability in the Tillaberi, Maradi, Diffa, and Tahoua regions. The instability stems from conflicts spilling over from Mali, Burkina Faso, and Nigeria, compounded by the country's internal political turmoil following a military coup on 28 July 2023 — the third such coup in the Sahel in under three years. International sanctions, environmental challenges, deep-seated poverty, and frail social support have further strained the relief efforts. Despite these adversities, there has been a slight decrease in refugee and asylum seeker figures, although new arrivals from Chad, Mali, Burkina Faso, and Nigeria persist post-21 March 2024. Concurrently, Niger has seen the internally displaced population escalate dramatically, from 1.9 million in 2017 to 4.3 million individuals, which is 15% of the population in 2024, significantly amplifying the demand for humanitarian aid. Acute food insecurity currently afflicts 3.3 million residents, with an alarming 7.3 million more at risk of deteriorating conditions amid the ongoing turmoil.
Niger Cholera Grade 3 2024-09-09 2024-08-27 2024-09-12 181 12 6 3.30%
181 suspected cholera cases including 6 deaths (CFR 3.3%) reported from Bouza (81 cases; 2 deaths), Birni Koni (64 cases), and Madaoua (36 cases; 4 deaths) health districts of Tahoua region in Southern Niger between 27 August and 12 September 2024. Of the 37 samples tested, 12 tested positive for Vibrio cholerae O1 Ogawa by culture at the Centre for Medical Research and Health of Niamey.
Niger Diphtheria Ungraded 2023-08-28 2023-07-04 2024-06-19 5,367 4,656 320 6.0%
An outbreak of diphtheria has been confirmed in Matameye health district, Zinder region. The first case was reported on 17 July 2023. As of week number 24 of 2024, 5367 suspected cases, including 320 deaths (CFR 6 %) were reported. Public health response activities are ongoing in affected districts.
Niger Measles Ungraded 2022-04-05 2024-01-01 2024-08-10 4,439 604 20 0.5%
As of epidemiological week 32, a total of 4429 suspected cases of measles were reported, including 604 confirmed cases and 20 deaths (case fatality rate: 0.5%), across 65 health districts in epidemic areas
Niger Meningitis Ungraded 2022-12-07 2024-01-01 3268 3,268 1,300 256 7.8%
Niger continues to notify meningitis cases. From epidemiological week 1 to week 28, 2024 , a total of 3 268 suspected cases including 1300 confirmed cases and 256 deaths (CFR 7.3%) were notified in eight regions, namely Agadez, Diffa, Dosso, Maradi, Niamey, Tahoua, Tilaberi and Zinder. Agadez and Niamey regions are the most affected.
Niger Suspected heavy metal poisoning Ungraded 2024-06-12 2024-05-27 2024-06-12 14 176
A mysterious illness has been reported in Niger as of 27 May 2024 , cases present with symptoms like ascites, abdominal pain, weight loss, and vomiting. The index case began experiencing symptoms on 15 May . The patient's family of six has also been affected. All are suspected to have contracted the illness from an unknown source, potentially linked to drinking water from boreholes. Cases have been reported in four regions: Tahoua (2), Dosso (5), Maradi (6), and Tillaberry (1). No laboratory results are available. A multidisciplinary team has been deployed. Samples have been sent to CERMES, with results pending. Insecurity and population mobility are hindering the response. A lack of laboratory facilities for heavy metal testing is also a challenge.
Nigeria Floods Ungraded 2024-08-19 2024-08-20 2024-08-22 1,951 1,951 7 0.4%
Jigawa State has been heavily affected by flooding since Week 29 of 2024, impacting 14 Local Government Areas(LGAs), 45 wards, and 139 settlements. So far, 3 843 houses have been damaged, and there are 31 IDP camps across 5 LGAs, with 1 951 displaced individuals. 7 fatalities have been reported, and farmlands, highways, and some health facilities have been submerged. Immediate needs include healthcare, food, shelter, and logistical support, while an Incident Action Plan (IAP) is in place with support from WHO and key stakeholders.
Nigeria Humanitarian crisis (Sahel region) Protracted 2 2016-10-10 2016-10-10 2024-03-21 8,300,000 8,300,000 0.0%
People face emergency levels of food insecurity, with very high rates of severe acute malnutrition that could lead to death in Borno, Adamawa and Yobe states. As of week 11, 2024, over 6 million people are targeted for humanitarian aid, 8.3 million people need humanitarian assistance, 2.2 million IDPs, and 4.3 million people need food security aid. Due to the fluidity of the situation, the numbers are constantly changing.
Nigeria Cholera Grade 3 2024-01-01 2024-08-11 5,951 176 3.0%
From 1 January to 11 August 2024, there were 5 951 suspected cholera cases reported in Nigeria, including 176 deaths (CFR: 3%). Reports came from 36 states.
Nigeria Dengue Grade 3 2023-11-01 2023-01-01 2024-03-24 72 14 0.0%
Nigeria is responding to Dengue outbreak that started in 2023. As of 3 March 2024, there has been 72 suspected cases reported with 14 confirmed and zero deaths since 19 December 2023.
Nigeria Lassa Fever Ungraded 2023-01-08 2024-01-01 2024-07-21 6,597 1,009 171 16.9%
In week 29, the number of new confirmed cases was 11. Cumulatively from week 1 to 29, 2024, 163 deaths have been reported with a case fatality rate (CFR) of 17.1% which is marginally higher than the CFR for the same period in 2023 (16.9%). In total for 2024, 28 States have recorded at least one confirmed case across 125 Local Government Areas
Nigeria Measles Ungraded 2024-04-01 2024-01-01 2024-05-12 8,935 4,633 0.0%
Between 1 January and 12 May 2024, in Nigeria, 8 935 suspected measles cases were reported, with 1 141 confirmed cases, 3 373 confirmed through epidemiological link, and 119 classified as compatible. Additionally, there were 280 IgM positive rubella cases. The measles incidence rate is 18.4 per 1 000 000 population. Notably, 302 out of 774 districts (39%) have reached the epidemic threshold, indicating a significant outbreak.
Nigeria Meningitis Ungraded 2024-01-29 2023-10-08 2024-06-29 2,669 135 240 9.0%
Between 1 October 2023 and 29 June 2024, a total of 2 669 suspected cases including 1135 confirmed cases and 240 deaths (CFR: 9 %) were reported from 22 out of 33 states.
Nigeria Mpox Grade 3 2022-01-31 2022-01-01 2024-08-25 902 9 1.0%
Nigeria continues to report cases of Mpox. From January 2022 to 25 August 2024, a total of 901 cases including nine deaths were reported. In 2024, the country reported 210 cases.
Nigeria Poliomyelitis (cVDPV2) Grade 2 2018-06-01 2022-01-01 2024-08-21 174 174 - -
One cVDPV2 case was reported in Sokoto this week. There were 39 cases reported in 2024, 87 cVDPV2 cases reported in 2023 and 48 cases in 2022.
Nigeria Uknown disease Ungraded 2024-03-20 2024-03-20 2024-04-22 196 7 3.6%
On 20 March 2024, NCDC notified of the outbreak of an unknown illness through IDSR by the Sokoto State Ministry of Health. The iIndex case presented is a 6-year-old girl from Isa LGA, who presented with symptoms including abdominal pain and distension, and vomiting on 6 February 2024. Cumulatively, from weeks 6 to week 15, a total of 196 cases with 7 deaths (CFR 3.6%) were reported. 70% are aged 0 – 10 years, followed by 11 – 20 years (20%), >30 years (6%), and 21 – 30 years (4%). 55.1% of the cases are female. Cases initially reported from Isa LGA, Sokoto State, with reports extending to Sabon Birni LGA (7 cases) in Sokoto State
Rwanda MPox Grade 3 2024-07-24 2024-07-24 2024-09-16 6 6 0.0%
On 24 July 2024, the Ministry of Health notified the WHO of two confirmed mpox cases in Rwanda, identified through PCR at the Rwanda National Reference Laboratory. As of 16 September 2024, the country has cumulatively confirmed six cases, with the most recent case confirmed on 16 September 2024
Senegal Chikungunya Ungraded 2023-06-08 2024-01-01 2024-05-26 7 7 0.0%
Between 1 January and 26 May 2024, Senegal reported seven new Chikungunya cases. The cases ranged from eight to 30 years old, with a median age of 21 years. Matam had the highest number of cases with three, followed by Tambacounda with two, and Dakar and Kolda each with one. The last reported case had an onset of symptoms on 26 April 2024.
Senegal COVID-19 Ungraded 2024-06-24 2024-06-24 124 78 0.0%
Of the 124 RDTs carried out on returning pilgrims carried out upon arrival to the airport, 78 cases were detected positive for SARS-CoV-2, including 36 cases confirmed by PCR.
Senegal Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) Ungraded 2024-03-26 2024-03-22 2024-04-26 3 3 0.0%
On 22 March 2024, the Institut Pasteur in Dakar (IPD) confirmed a case of Crimean-Congo Haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) in a 25-year-old male farmer. The patient, originally from the Guinguinéo district, probably contracted the disease while working in the Ndoffane district. Investigations are ongoing in all the areas visited by the patient. So far 11 samples collected from contacts at the Dakar hospital have tested negative. On 26 April 2024, WHO was informed of the confirmation of two additional CCHF cases in a 40-year-old male and a 25-year-old male from Pikine and Yeumbeul districts of Dakar respectively. Blood samples collected from the two male cases on 17 and 19 April 2024 respectively returned positive for CCHF on PCR on 25 April 2024. PCR testing returned negative for yellow fever, dengue, RVF, west nile, chikungunya, and zika. Both cases are alive. In-depth investigations are ongoing.
Senegal Dengue Grade 3 2022-11-14 2023-01-31 2024-05-12 23 23 0.0%
As of 12 May 2024, Senegal has reported a total of 23 confirmed dengue cases. The cases, ranging in age from 15 to 62 years with a median age of 32 years, include nine females and 14 males. The majority of cases have been reported in the Dakar region (15 cases, 65%), followed by Louga (4 cases, 17%), Saint-Louis (2 cases, 9%), Matam (1 case, 4%), and Thies (1 case, 4%). The first case was recorded on 1 January 2024, in Guediawaye, and the most recent case was on 4 March 2024, in Dakar-Ouest.
Senegal Measles Ungraded 2022-07-04 2024-01-01 2024-05-26 252 252 0.0%
Between 1 January and 26 May 2024, Senegal reported 252 confirmed measles cases, with the highest numbers in Louga (56), Matam (41), and Kaffrine (33). The cases were evenly split between females (125) and males (127), ranging from 0.4 to 42 years old, with a median age of 6 years. Most cases (70%) were among children aged nine months to five years. Among these cases, 69% were unvaccinated. Twenty-three districts have reached the epidemic threshold in 2024, with the onset of symptoms of the last case on 29 April 2024 in Saint Louis.
South Africa Floods Ungraded 2024-06-04 2024-06-10 2024-06-11 - - 22 -
From 1 to 3 June 2024, heavy rainfall, strong winds, and snowfall affected the Eastern Cape and KwaZulu-Natal provinces, causing floods and resulting in significant material damage and fatalities. As of 6 June, 22 people have died, including 11 in the Eastern Cape province and 11 in Durban city in KwaZulu-Natal province. Additionally, 55 people have been injured, 120 people have been displaced to three temporary shelters, and more than 2,000 people have been evacuated in Nelson Mandela Bay Municipality.
South Africa Cholera Grade 3 2024-01-20 2024-01-20 2024-06-10 155 12 0.0%
The cholera outbreak has been ongoing in South Africa since December 4, 2023. It started with imported cases linked to ongoing outbreaks in Southern Africa and two locally transmitted cases from Limpopo in January. As of 17 May 2024, 12 confirmed cases with no deaths have been reported. Limpopo province is most affected with 10 of the cases, Three of the cases were imported from Zimbabwe.
South Africa Mpox Grade 3 2024-05-15 2024-05-15 2024-07-19 22 22 3 13.6%
Through IHR notification from South Africa, WHO received a report of one laboratory confirmed mpox case from Johannesburg. This case was confirmed after initial testing by Lancet Laboratory on 9 May 2024. As of 2 July 2024, 22 (10 from KwaZulu Natal; 11 from Gauteng; and 1 from Western Cape Province) mpox cases have been reported in South Africa, with three deaths.
South Sudan Floods Ungraded 2024-09-04 2024-08-29 2024-09-05 710,000 -
South Sudan is grappling with severe flooding that have affected several parts of the country. As of 5 September 2024, flooding has affected more than 710 000 people across 30 of 78 counties in South Sudan and the Abyei Administrative Area. Floods have caused extensive damage to homes, crops and critical infrastructure, disrupting education and health services and increasing the risk of disease outbreaks. Projections suggest that at the peak of the rainy season, between September and October, flooding could impact up to 3.3 million people nationwide.
South Sudan Food insecurity (Horn of Africa crisis) Grade 3 2020-12-18 2021-04-05 2024-07-10 - - - -
For 2024, it is estimated that millions of people will still be unable to meet minimum food needs as food stocks could be depleted by April 2024. Additionally, ongoing sporadic conflicts and the influx of returnees and refugees from Sudan is likely to strain food supplies and incomes further, driving severe malnutrition.
South Sudan Humanitarian crisis Protracted 3 2016-08-15 2016-08-15 2024-07-10 9,000,000 - - -
The humanitarian situation in South Sudan remains concerning with increasing needs and the number of people requiring assistance. This year, it is estimated that nine million people need humanitarian assistance including 6.3 million for health needs and two million people are internally displaced persons. In 2024, the humanitarian response plan needs US $ 1.8 billion to reach six million of the most vulnerable people, however, as of 10 June 2024, only 18% of the needed funding has been covered
South Sudan Impact of Sudan crisis in South Sudan Grade 3 2023-04-15 2023-05-01 2024-08-25 789,848 - -
As of 25 August 2024, 789 948 individuals have arrived in South Sudan with 5 796 individuals arriving in the last week. Returnees comprised 71% of arrivals and refugees/asylum seekers 29%. Heavy rainfall and flooding have caused widespread disruption to service delivery in new arrival hosting locations, particularly Maban and Jamjang
South Sudan Anthrax Grade 2 2024-08-01 2024-01-01 2024-09-01 144 3 2.1%
In 2024 , cumulatively, a total of 144 human Anthrax cases including three deaths (CFR-2.1%) have been reported across South Sudan as of 1 September 2024. Jur River in Western Bar-El Gazal State remained the highest recorded 80 cases (56.4% of all reported human Anthrax cases) representing attack rate of 32.6 per 100 000 population.
South Sudan Hepatitis E Ungraded 2018-01-03 2019-01-01 2024-09-01 7,042 69 1.0%
There is ongoing Hepatitis E outbreak in Rubkona county (Bentiu IDPs camp), Unity State ( 5 822 cases and 33 deaths) since December 2018, in Fangak county ( 655 cases ) , Jonglei State since 2023 , in Twic county ( 32 cases ), Warrap State since February 2024, in Abyei( 32 cases and five deaths ) since June 2024. In Western Bahr EL-Ghazal State, a total of 501 cases were reported, with 19 deaths. As of 1 September 2024, a total of 7 042 cases and 69 deaths are reported in the country
South Sudan Measles Ungraded 2022-02-23 2024-01-01 2024-09-01 3,160 41 1.3%
In 2024, as of week 35, 2024, 3 160 suspected measles cases were reported with 173 (5.5%) lab- confirmed and 789 Epi-linked cases. A total of 41 measles related deaths were reported with case fatality ratio of 1.3%.
South Sudan Poliomyelitis (cVDPV2) Grade 2 2024-02-26 2023-01-01 2024-09-01 11 11 0.0%
The Ministry of Health declared the cVDPV2 outbreak as a public health emergency on 22 December 2023, following confirmation of the disease in Yambio. The total number of laboratory-confirmed cVDPV2 isolates from AFP cases are 11. Cases are reported from Yambio in Western Equatoria, Juba in Central Equatoria, Ayod in Jonglei, Baliet, Luakpiny/Nasir, and Longechuk in Upper Nile, and Tambura in Western Equatoria state
South Sudan Suspected food poisoning Ungraded 2024-07-04 2024-08-15 23 23 100.0%
Twenty-three (23) human deaths were reported across Aweil East and Aweil South counties, northwestern Bahr el Ghazel state of South Sudan between 4 July and 15 August 2024. The most affected age-groups are 18 years and above (n=9; 39%) and 5-11 years (n=7; 30%) and females account for 61% (14 deaths) of the reported deaths. Investigations are ongoing to determine the causative agent.
South Sudan Yellow fever Ungraded 2023-12-24 2023-12-24 2024-09-01 139 3 6 4.3%
The National Ministry of Health of the Republic of South Sudan officially declared a Yellow Fever outbreak on the 24 December 2023, following confirmation of one suspected case notified to Ministry of health on 21 December 2023. As of 7 July 2024, a total of 139 suspected cases have been reported including six deaths. Male account for 71 (51%) of the total cases reported
Togo Cholera Grade 3 2024-08-07 2024-08-07 1 1
A 22-year-old young man, who was diagnosed on July 30, 2024, was successfully treated in a health facility, according to a press release published today. The Minister of Health and Public Hygiene alerts and recalls the preventive measures in the Vo health district, located in the Maritime Region
Togo Dengue Grade 3 2024-06-28 2024-06-28 2024-08-26 55 643 1 1.8%
In week 28, 89 out of 203 suspected dengue cases were confirmed, bringing the total to 643 cases. Patients ranged from 3 to 79 years old. To manage the dengue epidemic, an incident management system and a one-month action plan have been implemented, and a webinar for healthcare providers was conducted on July 22nd.
Togo Measles Ungraded 2024-03-14 2024-03-14 2024-06-16 628 199 1 0.2%
In Togo there is an ongoing measles outbreak since week 5 of 2024 with 13 districts affected. As at week 23 in 2024, there are a total of 628 suspected cases reported, 199 confirmed measles cases, 1 death reported among the confirmed cases in Oti South district
Uganda Food insecurity (Horn of Africa crisis) Grade 3 2022-02-17 2022-01-01 2024-06-12 - - - -
In Uganda, Karamoja is the most vulnerable region to climate-related shocks and hazards, which significantly contribute to persistently low food and livestock production levels. The situation is expected to improve in the projected period (August 2024 – February 2025) due to seasonal gains and projected production; however, the forecasted La Nina event might impact the situation negatively.
Uganda Landslides Ungraded 2024-08-16 2024-08-20 2024-08-23 328 328 35 10.7%
The previously reported landslide at the Kiteezi landfill in Kampala, Uganda, triggered by torrential rain, was confirmed by WCO. There have been 35 reported deaths, with 33 identified and two still unclaimed. Rescue efforts continue as 28 people remain missing, and 328 individuals have been displaced across 5 Local Government Areas. The displaced population includes 120 adult females, 62 adult males, and 146 minors. Homes, shops, and public facilities were buried under garbage due to the heavy rainfall.
Uganda Anthrax Grade 2 2024-06-13 2024-06-17 2024-08-04 19 2 0.0%
There is an ongoing anthrax outbreak reported in Uganda affecting Bushenyi and Buhweju districts. A total of 19 cases have been recorded, with two confirmed.
Uganda Cholera Grade 3 2024-05-13 2024-05-11 2024-05-26 57 15 4 7.0%
The cholera outbreak in Kyotera district is still ongoing since 5 May 2024. As of 26 May 2024, a total of 57 cases ,15 confirmed, and four deaths are reported.
Uganda Crimean-Congo haemorrhagic fever (CCHF) Ungraded 2024-02-12 2024-04-24 2024-08-17 15 2 0.0%
A new positive case was reported on 29 July 2024 from the Kiruhura district, bringing the total number of cases to seven. Cumulatively, from week 1-34, 2024, 15 samples (all from males) tested positive for CCHF from seven districts: Lyantonde (3), Kampala (3), Kiruhura (3), Kasese (2), Mbarara (1), Hoima (1), and Kiboga (1).
Uganda Measles Ungraded 2023-10-04 2024-03-05 2024-08-19 428 49 9 2.1%
As of 29 July 2024 (week 31), the measles outbreak is ongoing in nine districts. Moroto has reported the highest number of cases (312 cases, 13 confirmed and seven deaths). Cumulatively, 428 cases, 49 confirmed, and nine deaths have been reported.
Uganda Mpox Grade 3 2024-07-26 2024-07-29 2024-08-17 216 10 0.0%
In June and early July 2024, Kasese District enhanced surveillance for Mpox disease along the border following increased cases in the DRC. Following the orientation of screeners at the point of entry and Bwera Hospital, eight suspects were identified, of which two tested positive for Mpox. As of 17 August, Uganda has recorded 10 confirmed mpx cases.
Uganda Rift Valley Fever (RVF) Ungraded 2024-05-24 2024-02-23 2024-08-17 311 24 1 0.3%
As of week 34, 2024, Rift Valley Fever outbreaks (RVF) have been recorded with a cumulative number of 24 cases, five confirmed, and five deaths since 1 March 2024.
Uganda Undiagnosed disease Ungraded 2024-07-08 2024-07-08 2024-07-08 16 3 18.8%
An undiagnosed illness was reported in Uganda, in Kawempe, resulting in 16 cases and three deaths as of 8 July. So far, the samples tested negative for all VHFs, and now waiting for more results for other requested tests. The sick children were taken to health facilities, and they are improving. During case investigation, there was no epi link among those who died.
Zambia Drought/food insecurity Ungraded 2024-03-08 2024-01-15 2024-05-27 - - -
On 29 February 2024, the Zambia President declared the drought the country is currently facing a national disaster and emergency as it had devastated food production and power generation and the country struggles to recover a recent cholera outbreak. As of 27 May 2024, 84 out of the 116 districts in Zambia are affected by the drought. According to a recent rapid assessment and the President’s Drought Response Appeal on 16 April 2024, nearly 6.6 million people are now in urgent need of humanitarian assistance. Moreover, the Integrated Food Security Phase Classification (IPC) report released in November 2023 projected that Zambia would have more than 2 million people at IPC Phase 3 or above by March 2024. It is also projected that the drought will lead to a power deficit and affect ground and surface water levels, with severe consequences for sectors beyond agriculture, as more than 80% of Zambia's electricity generation comes from hydropower.
Zambia Cholera Grade 3 2023-01-24 2023-01-20 2024-08-04 23,238 23,238 740 3.2%
The current cholera outbreak started with Lusaka Province confirming cases in cholera-prone areas (peri-urban). From October 2023 to 6 May 2024, nine provinces reported cases of cholera, and seven provinces confirmed outbreaks. From week 1 to 31, 2024, 1368 cases of cholera were confirmed.
Zambia Measles Ungraded 2022-06-13 2022-06-13 2024-08-04 4,259 179 0.0%
As of 4 August, 2024, Zambia recorded a cumulative total of 4 259 suspected measles cases with 179 confirmed since the start of 2024.
Zimbabwe Drought/food insecurity Ungraded 2024-04-05 2024-04-05 2024-08-31 70 000 000 - - -
The Famine Early Warning Systems Network forecasts that areas in the Mashonaland Provinces, currently experiencing Stressed (IPC Phase 2) conditions, will soon shift to Crisis (IPC Phase 3). This change is due to increasing food consumption gaps and coping strategies. From September 2024 through January 2025, all regions in the country are anticipated to face Crisis (IPC Phase 3) conditions, indicating widespread severe food insecurity.
Zimbabwe Anthrax Grade 2 2023-11-13 2023-11-14 2024-05-05 784 1 0.1%
As of 5 May 2024, there have been a total of 784 cases reported in Zimbabawe. Ten districts have reported cases since beginning of 2023 with the majority of cases coming from Gokwe North (63.5%) and Gokwe South (32.6%). The confirmed death was reported in 2023, from Gokwe South.